Vipassana weekend retreat in silence with Yoga, meditation and Mindfulness in the Veluwe, Helios Centre, Heerde (Netherlands)


We look back on the past year and contemplate the next year 2020. What do we want to continue with, stop and start?

We spend the weekend in silence. You get yin yoga to still more still and go inside. We meditate to increase the mind's ability to concentrate and thereby still the mind. Afterwards the mind is ready to question through analytical questions of insight or the Vipassana meditation method.

There are silence walks, vegan meals and relax massages.

Signing up

You can sign up for the following dates

Way of payment
You can wiretransfer the amount to the bankaccount noted in your confirmation e-mail after you have signed up.

If you are in possession of a dutch Bank account, you can pay through iDeal. After you've signed up you will receive an automatic confirmation email in which the payment details and an iDeal payment link is included. If you can, please try to pay with iDeal as it diminishes the administration time. Using iDeal will automatically process your payment. If it's not possible you can wire transfer the amount. See the bank-details on the invoice or watch under my website/contactdetails. Many thanks.

Click on the Sign up button to proceed to the sign up form.

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Deze stressreductie retraite zal grotendeels in stilte plaats vinden!

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Nieuw: Online Mindfulness Training | Voorkom of genees van een burnout. [Sluiten]