
There are three forms of meditation. I use the first two meditation forms during coaching when stillness or self-exploration is needed, after 15 years of study and practice. These meditation forms are trained in the same way in Hinduism and Buddhism. I train, coach, and teach the indirect dual path to liberation.

Shamatha = concentration meditation with the aim of achieving stillness. You can focus on your breath, an object, or, for example, a mantra.

Vipassana = insight and analytical meditation with the goal of increasing self-knowledge through self-examination and self-inquiry. You learn to enhance your virtues and diminish your vices. By training these first two forms, you progressively enter into the state of number 3: the Samadhi state of being.

If your mind is not first trained in concentration meditation, it is not possible to gain deeper self-awareness. You have not learned to sustain your attention by training your concentration capacity in the mind.

Samadhi = non-dual meditation, where there is no attraction and aversion in the mind. No duality. The ocean no longer has waves. The mind functions from a sense of unity. You live from the fundamental sense of joy, inner stillness, love, compassion, and wisdom. You live from the perpetually present feeling of bliss.

This state of being is not really a form of meditation. Through meditation forms 1 and 2, you increasingly reach this state of being. There are very few people suitable for practicing only this form of being. The mind recalling its original state has many obstacles. It is easy to get lost on this path, so the path of direct liberation is not recommended. The path of the indirect path to liberation, experiencing duality, provides a solid foundation. If you wish to realize the path of direct liberation from suffering in your mind afterward, you can train the Samadhi state in the mind. The advice is to train this form only under the guidance of a teacher.

Meditate with me every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 am to 7:50 am via the free Zoom link: