Hans Kloosterman

My Story



Be Free - Discover Your True Self

Your true self is a return to an optimal state of balance, whol

eness and vitality. It is a bridge between the perceived limitations we have come to accept in our lives and how life can be when we tap into our actual limitless potential that we are.

“I am that”

Through Eastern and Western physical, mental and energetical exercises in combination with healthy biological vegetarian food. 

Healing Methods?
Physical: Yin Yoga, Chi Kong, Tension release exercises (TRE), 6 healing sounds of the Tao and dancing.
Mental: 3 forms of Buddhist & Hindu silent, insight and transformation meditational practises, Emotional freedom technique (EFT) and using the latest brain research on the production of stress and happiness hormones.
Energetical: healing hart music, mantra singing, healing singing bowls & other instruments  

To reduce suffering and increase happiness so all living beings can live with each other a life in total acceptance, compassion, love and joy.

 For Who?
People who take responsibility for themselves and others to  reduce negative thoughts, disturbed emotions like fear, anger and stress and physical pain and increasing the feeling of equanimity, compassion, love and joy  

Facilitating partners
Trainers: Hans Kloosterman, Margreet, Jolanda, Omayma, Erna
Cooks: Therese, Yoni, 
Massage therapists: Therese, Erna, Dhyani, 
Location owners: Arianne & Dick, Julliette & Frank, Lea,

History: 25 years working as a management team member in the business community at the purchasing, sales and human resource side.

Change of life: In 2005, I survived a deadly car accident. During a severe thunderstorm, I came with my car in aquaplaning and drove with 120 km per hour into a concrete viaduct. I got up in a white light and felt free and peaceful. A heavy voice asked me: "Do you want to leave or stay"? I instinctively I responded that I wanted to stay in order to reduce suffering and increase happiness in people. " I fell down again and woke up in a very painful body. The ambulance was called and I was taken to a hospital. The next day I could to go home and I changed my life completely. Just before the accident, I had a 3-day lesson from the 14th Dalai Lama with 4000 other visitors in Brussels and understood that Buddhism can very methodically teach people to guide their lives of suffering to happiness. Many teachings from the Dalai Lama followed. I decided to go to Nepal and Tibet to study this and to learn this method of study, practice and realization, to be able to teach this myself. This became my calling from that moment on. I became a Buddhist and a monk in training. Since 2014 I teach people the way to enlightenment through retreats and trainings and 1 on 1 coaching sessions.  

Study: Atheneum, Fashion Academy, HTS for the Confectionery, Nima A and B.
3 years hatha yoga and 2 years of meditation training from Hinduism at Osmose in The Hague, since 2005 spiritual psychology from hinayana, mahayana and vasjrayana buddhism, indirect study and direct way to enlightenment.

Main Teachers: Lama Map (Killing Sign), Lama Zeupa, Lama Tashi Nima, Dalai Lama.

Sub-teachers: Lama Traleg Kyabgon (death sign), Mooji, Nisargadatta Maharaj (death sign), Bentinho Massaro, Eckhart Tolle, Thick Nat Han, Sarah Powers (Yin Yoga)

Methods: silence meditation (shamatha), insight meditation (vipassana), nondual meditation (Mahamoedra), mindfulness training, life coaching in combination with mindfulness, hatha and yin yoga, chi kong.

Causes of suffering: karma, disturbing emotions such as fear, impatience, stress, anger, etc., negative beliefs, addictions, depression and burnout, physical complaints and terminal illnesses.

My Autobiography

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